Pregnancy Check Up

Nurturing Your Journey to Motherhood

At Luxe’s Clinic, our Pregnancy Check-Up Services are designed to provide expectant mothers with comprehensive care and support throughout their pregnancy.

Our experienced team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to ensuring the well-being of both the mother and baby, from the early stages of pregnancy to delivery and beyond.

Pregnancy Check Up Details

Nurture your pregnancy journey with our Pregnancy Check-Up Services at Luxe’s Clinic.

Our compassionate team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a healthy and memorable experience during this special time.

Schedule a consultation today to receive personalized care, monitor your baby’s growth, and prepare for the joy of motherhood.

Let’s embark on this beautiful journey together, where you and your baby’s well-being are our top priority.

Stereoscope icon - general health screening


Our pregnancy check-ups involve regular medical assessments to monitor the health of both the mother and baby.

These check-ups typically include physical examinations, ultrasound imaging, blood tests, and discussions about pregnancy-related concerns.

Syringe icon - vaccination / nicc dna test


The duration of each pregnancy check-up may vary depending on the specific tests and assessments required.

Generally, check-ups take about 30 minutes to an hour.

Medical calendar icon - labia majora procedure / labia minora procedure / vaginoplasty


Regular pregnancy check-ups are essential for monitoring the baby's growth and development and assessing the mother's health.

The frequency of check-ups varies based on the stage of pregnancy and any specific health needs.

Medical care icon - pregnancy check up / pregnancy ultrasound service / postpartum follow up


Pregnancy check-ups offer numerous benefits, including early detection of any potential complications, personalized guidance on nutrition and lifestyle, and the reassurance of a healthy pregnancy.

Regular check-ups also provide an opportunity for expectant mothers to ask questions and address any concerns they may have.

Medical bed icon - gestational diabetes test - diastasis recti rehabilitation - pelvic floor rehabilitation


Pregnancy check-ups are non-invasive and typically do not involve downtime.

You can resume your regular activities immediately after each check-up.

Medical result icon - neonatal jaundice test and treatment - clitoral procedure / procedures on anterior vaginal wall / hormone replacement therapy


The results of pregnancy check-ups provide valuable insights into the baby's development, the mother's health, and any potential issues that may require further attention or management.

Our healthcare professionals will guide expectant mothers throughout the pregnancy journey, ensuring the best possible outcomes for both mother and baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

A pregnancy check-up is a comprehensive medical assessment designed to monitor the health of both the mother and the baby throughout the pregnancy journey.

Regular pregnancy check-ups are crucial for ensuring the well-being of both the expectant mother and the baby. These check-ups allow healthcare professionals to monitor the baby’s growth and development, assess the mother’s health, and detect any potential complications early.

The frequency of pregnancy check-ups may vary based on the stage of pregnancy and any specific health concerns. In general, check-ups are recommended once a month during the first two trimesters and more frequently during the third trimester.

During a pregnancy check-up, you can expect a physical examination, measurements of the baby’s growth, ultrasound imaging, and discussions about your overall health and well-being.

Yes, pregnancy check-ups are safe for both the mother and the baby. Our healthcare professionals use non-invasive methods to monitor the pregnancy and ensure the health and safety of both.

Yes, ultrasound imaging is a standard part of pregnancy check-ups, and you will have the opportunity to see your baby’s growth and development during the ultrasound.

Your pregnancy check-up will provide valuable information about the baby’s growth, the mother’s health, and any potential issues that may require attention or management.

Absolutely! We encourage expectant mothers to ask questions, share their concerns, and discuss any pregnancy-related issues during the check-up. Our healthcare professionals are here to provide support and guidance.

If any complications are detected during the pregnancy check-up, our healthcare team will develop a personalized plan of care and provide appropriate medical interventions to address the issue.

Booking a pregnancy check-up is easy. Simply call our clinic or click the “Book Consultation” button to schedule a consultation with our dedicated team of healthcare professionals. We are here to provide you with exceptional care and support throughout your pregnancy journey.

Arranging a consultation with one of our friendly specialists couldn’t be easier. Simply complete and submit an Online Consultation Request and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible to confirm a convenient appointment*.

Alternatively, please call our friendly team +60 18-788 5133 who will be delighted to assist. 

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Monday: 9AM- 9PM

Tuesday: 9AM-9PM

Wednesday: 9AM-9PM

Thursday: 9AM-9PM

Friday: 9AM-9PM

Saturday: 9AM-9PM

Sunday: Close

Public Holiday: Close

Early or late appointment can be arranged to suit your schedule. Just sk and we’ll do everything to accommodate you.

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